The planning and design conducted during the initial phase set the tone of the project.


Phase I - Analysis

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Grossman System
Consulting, Inc.

The right mixture of business
and technological expertise

GSC's Phased Approach to Concierge Medicine Conversion
For all projects, GSC suggests a phased approach.  This allows us to review the results of completed phases with clients in order to identify alternatives and, if necessay, modify the work plan for future phases

Phase II - Conversion

Phase III - Maintenance

To determine if a practice is a good candidate for a successful conversion to a concierge model

To determine the correct structure of the concierge practice

To plan all necessary steps in the transition process

Risk Reduction  

Typical Tasks:

-Practice Financial Analysis
-Patient Survey
-Operational Analysis
-Option Modeling
-Project Planning

This phase is where the majority of the work is performed.  During the 60-90 day period, GSC will help the physician market the new practice as well as make the myriad of necessary internal changes.  


To take the practice from its current state to opening day of the new practice model determined in Phase I.

Achieve critical Patient Mass

Typical Marketing Tasks:

-Preparation of all marketing materials
-Web-Site Creation and Hosting
-Patient Notification
-Patient Informational Meetings
-Patient Enrollment

Typical Administrative Tasks:

-Ensuring Continuity of Care
-Business Process Reengineering
-Handling Insurance Carrier Issues
-Physician and Staff Training
-Overall Project Management

Phase III accounts for the tasks that are not required to be completed by opening day of the new practice.  Some of them, such as an on-going marketing plan, are a necessary piece of any successful concierge practice.  Others, are optional.  


To ensure that the practice continues to grow and prosper

To ensure the practice is living up to the expectation of the patients

To ensure that the physician is achieving
all his professional and personal goals

Typical Tasks:

-Marketing Plan Creation
-Quarterly Newsletter
-Patient Satisfaction Surveys
-Before and After Financial comparisons
-Arranging Speaking Engagement
-On-going enrollment services
-Operational Reviews
-EMR (Electronic Medical Record)